10 best 2016 pieces by APL315 from Ukraine. You can also check the selections from 2013 and 2015.
Basketball court
Basketball court by Gue in Alessandria, Piemonte. (photos :
Ugo Galassi)
+ 2 graffiti pieces from him and his friend Hipo in Sicily.
Letme anamorphosis
Lost Optics – Romania
1st time on ekosystem: Lost Optics from Bucharest (9 photos)
ema jons
6 photos from Ema Jons in Italy.
Blot (Part 2/2)
2nd part of our selection of BLOT from Penza, Russia.
Cre Antibes
Cre work is on ekosystem.org since day 1. Here is his 1st piece of 2017 in Antibes, France.
Record sleeves
There is an exhibition in Paris of record sleeves designed by street-artists. It reminded me that I made a selection of record covers 8 years ago with original works from Akroe, Delta, Espo, Futura 2000, Kid Acne, Twist, Flying Fortress, Popay, Grems… 25 covers here and 45 more here.
Blot (Part 1/2)
Blot from Penza, Russia.
Oskolki – Saint Petersburg
7 new walls from Oskolki in Saint Petersburg and Sevastopol.
TOP 10 art installations of 2016
TOP 10 art installations of 2016 according to Designboom.com with a DIY and super cheap piece from Fra Biancoshock together with huge budget contributions from Christo or Jr.
Psychological Projection
New yarn works from Femoesa (nl) + bonus heavy GIF.