“Comfort zone”, “2 years sober”, and more “extraordinary” words from Femoesa.
10 000€ is a project from Elfo and Fra Biancoshock. The two artists decided to create a website which ironically suggests where to find Street Art artworks in Italy, with information about the author, the estimated value of the artwork, and the suitable ways for stealing it.
In this period of confusion and media hype about Street Art, the artists themselves instruct the audience on how to obtain artworks in a fast, safe and effective way.
10 best 2016 pieces by APL315 from Ukraine. You can also check the selections from 2013 and 2015.
Basketball court by Gue in Alessandria, Piemonte. (photos :
Ugo Galassi)
+ 2 graffiti pieces from him and his friend Hipo in Sicily.
6 photos from Ema Jons in Italy.
Cre work is on ekosystem.org since day 1. Here is his 1st piece of 2017 in Antibes, France.