7 new freight wagons from Aris. Happy holidays to everyone !
7 new freight wagons from Aris. Happy holidays to everyone !
2 italian trains from Elfo & the SCS crew.
New italian wagons by OPAK-SDK with tributes to Riot & HoNeT.
New GUE italian wagon.
A bit late but here is a selection of very good & interesting photos posted last fall on ekosystem.org. Photo of the TGV by OKS crew.
Today’s photos: Skirl train in Wien, Marto in Ouagadoudou, 3615, CacaoRocks in Cyprus, Nerone & Buron on a blockhaus, Cre…
A selection of very different photos today: trains from Russia by IMA + colorful abstraction from Flix in Caracas + Peter Fuss about the mass consumer society in Poland…