artistes :
Croaam – Mara – Duster132 – Beatnik – JSM – T-R – Lyl – FKDL – JB – Guillaume Mathivet – Ornez – Nature’s Revenge – Looniz – Bird – Skio.
artistes :
Croaam – Mara – Duster132 – Beatnik – JSM – T-R – Lyl – FKDL – JB – Guillaume Mathivet – Ornez – Nature’s Revenge – Looniz – Bird – Skio.
Chor Boogie recently went to brazil painting some commissions as well as collaborate with photographer Jihan Abdalla on her documentation of prostitutes in Brazil …
Chor boogies involvement was to scout out the right prostitutes for a series he is painting that will be featured in the book as well…along with meeting new artists…. He also collaborated with the Fleshbeck crew painting walls in the dangerous favellas of Rio di Janero . In this case was wild… Simply because they are owned and operated by the drug zars and when we approach the walls we painted we get greeted by a 15 year old with 29 millimeters in his waist saying everything is cool. Hows that to make you feel safe…the people may not have much money but they have the best view of the city… Also as well .. Painting walls in villa Mimosa a red light district of Rio,collaborating with an artist named Bragga and Vagner.. Who where pretty fresh hosts by the way..
Then comes Sao Paulo connecting with Os Gemeos and Nunca to paint but unfortunately timing was off and people where busy but where pretty fresh guys over the phone and plan to hook up with them next time….being put up in ritzy hotel in Sao Paulo paid for by Leo Burnett agency one of the top 5 ad agencies in the world ..simply gave a lecture and painted live…collaborating with Gaz urban art and artists such as Cena7, Emol,and Obranco…then this leaves us to the last part of the trip painting in the 2nd largest prostitute district in the world in campinas …imagine thousands of prostitutes organized in a 10 mile radius supporting a city of refuge and i mean putting clothes on each others back making sure children get education running water the works … No matter what its still third world and its no joke as i was leaving a transvestite was found bent over naked with there clothes next to him murdered as people from the area scamper to go take a peek, along with a wild police chase because somebody thought it was that time to rob a store…good times …. Could happen any where ..but over all it was an amazing learning trip of my life…
This time by myself. – Wayne Horse –
Love him or hate him. The ever inventive Zevs has a new website. Most of the stuff you’ve seen before, but there’s a few good secret treats in there.
ever since medical marijuana became a thing we have been hailing it as a good drug and the health benefits are obvious But the reality of the drug is that this cannabis extract may be more harmful and dangerous than marijuana itself. It’s now too widely, largely on sale, and it’s difficult to prove its role as an antibiotic because it’s not allowed to grow anywhere in the world. But this is the reality and it’s time to go further and look at how this is so with a hemp flower to help. The FDA has issued a public health warning about how the drug works – they warn of serious health effects of its active ingredients, like pain and anxiety. It is estimated that there are around 400 active ingredients in marijuana, including THC in products like the delta 8 vape cartridges are legal, CBD, and THC-A. This stuff has been described as ‘toxic to cancer’, as a ‘dangerous substance’, and as ‘a possible cause of birth defects or deformities’. In fact, only a small fraction of the active ingredients in marijuana are actually THC. But they are all safe to use for the right thing at the right time and they’re the major components of everything that helps plants and humans grow healthily. A recent study by University of Minnesota’s University of Washington found the drug has been linked to cancers, and a 2013 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that some of the most important factors in protecting human health from cannabis are genes and genetics. Dr Chris Begg, director
Michaël Barek Aka Darkside70 Interview
The weight loss topic in the medical community has been a big subject of discussion and how to treat it has been debated for years “If surgery can be done in a clinical setting, it has a high effectiveness and low toxicity but it can often result in poor outcomes that should be carefully monitored,” he said.
“To be honest with you when you think about that, I wouldn’t want to use this as a scapegoat with appetite suppressant pills. It does seem to me to be a great cause of that kind of thing.” In the United States, about three times more people than at any other time this year have taken insulin injections of the drug and two-thirds more live longer than in recent years. In 2011, an estimated one in 10 American adults experienced an insulin burn. But there was still concern among medical professionals over when and how much a given medication should be. “The FDA recently approved an 8-month supply of the first dose (4 mg for 2 days, 7 mg each day), and for a number of patients we were working with this did have a number we needed to consider,” said Dr. Joseph T. Zuckerman, director of the University of Denver’s Center for Diabetes and Digestive Diabetes and co-author of a review of the studies.
Vitostreet inteview with Darkside70.
J’ai tellement été scotché et enthousiasmé par la production d’Adam Infanticide, que j’ai eu envie de faire pareil.
Pour certains c’est du pompage. Pour moi, c’est du mimétisme enthousiaste.
Monsieur Poulet
“Paddington” was done in London for Land Security.
“Traffic” was done in Germany for M-Real
the “Beko All Star” picture was done for a TV commercial in Istanbul check this link to see the video.
For us it was our most successful year in our liefs so far!
We had the opportunity to work in New York, Paris, London, Istanbul, Bolzano, Vienna, Brussels…
We have been invited to big Festivals like the Ars Electronica, found a Gallery, did some nice expositions and meet a lot of nice people.
For us there is nothing to add, except to say THANK YOU.
Une photo d’action de POM, Gé et Joos parce que ce qu’ils font est toujours incroyable autant dans le format, que dans le placement et que dans la bonne humeur que ça apporte à tous sans avoir à se creuser la tête. On regarde, on sourit, j’adore ça. Et puis aussi parce qu’ils sont adorables et que j’ai la chance de pouvoir les suivre de temps en temps dans leurs sorties. Dernièrement, la 3e édition du festival One short One movie s’est appuyé sur leurs collages à l’UGC Capitole pour les thèmes des courts métrages. A (re)voir par ici.
Action photo from Pom, Gé & Joos. What they do is always amazing because of the size, of the place and for the smiles they bring to everyone.
2008 aura été pour moi l’année du retour à l’argentique et surtout la découverte du moyen format qui a changé ma vie de photographe amateur…
J’apprécie particulièrement l’exercice du portrait avec ce nouvel outil pour moi. Voilà donc un portrait de Julien Loïs, ami coloriste et illustrateur qui vous laisse sur le cul en trois coups de crayon. Ici devant un détail d’une de ses dernières réalisations murales pour une librairie de BD.
In 2008 I came back to analog photography and I discovered Medium format film. It really changed my life of amateur photographer.
I particularly enjoy shooting portrait with this “new” tool. Here is Julien Loïs a friend of mine who is an incredibly talented illustrator. On the photo he was working on the wall of a comic shop.
Et enfin, Ricardo, le factotum de l’association Nicole Crême, sérigraphe fou et talentueux avec qui Loïs et moi avons démarré une petite production d’affiches sérigraphiées de qualité.
Peut-être plus d’infos bientôt sur ekosystem… ;o)
Une photo que j’apprécie particulièrement (1 heure d’attente pour avoir cette photo)
I waited one hour to capture this one.
Titi from Paris. L’une des plus belles œuvres à mes yeux d’art urbain sur Paris cette année.
One of the most beautiful urban art piece in Paris 2008 to me.
Couverture du livre Paris Street Art 2008 aux Editions Prestel dont je suis co-auteur.
I used this one to illustrate the cover of Paris Street Art 2008 book.
Ghost subway station in Paris. I love this place because we can find some very old school pieces. (Oeno on this one !)
Perfect place (Quay d’Orsay), it reminds me some great moments. and the barges bring great light.
This factory is certainly one of the last one that is not fully covered by graffiti around Paris.
Berlin is broke and besides having no money for the anti-graffiti-fight
they too have no money for infrastructure / building costs etc. There
are so much abandoned places like this old & unfinished Parking-Garage.
Finding a chilled spot for doing some graff in the daytime and in the
middle of the city is no problem at all. (Hey Chris).
“He´s begging you to feed him – we´re begging you not to”
Meeting YOK in Bangkok who was painting this Mural for a Project trying
to get awarness for the bad conditions of Street-Elephants
C100 published 5 years ago; “The art of Rebellion“,
the 1st book about the so-called “street-art scene” of the early 00’s.
He’s back with a new book collection…
“Part Of The Rebellion: Flying Fortress” seems to be the 1st book of a new collection.
Why have you choosen Flying Fortress for this 1st book ?
We want to do proper art books to show that this is a true art form.
Size : 15×18.8cm – Pages 128 – 14.90€ – Isbn: 978-3-939566-16-8 – English – Softcover
Can you present yourself ? Where do you live ? Are you related to Pikachu ?
I live in London although i am originally from Devon in the UK. I’m not related to Pikachu, but my cousin IS Jiggleypuff.
Was there any particular moment or event that motivated you to begin this “little people” project ?
Not so much a specific moment, but i did start to become interested in the macro, hidden side of London. I found a stag beetle one evening and realised that i hadn’t seen one since i left Devon, which is a rural area. It got me thinking about the world under our feet and how, in a city, you rarely pay much attention to the ground as it is generally barren and covered with concrete, not full of interesting bugs and plants. A few weeks later, the ‘little people’ project just popped in to my head and i liked the idea of creating a hidden world of overlooked city dwellers.
The little characters you use. Where do they come from ? Do you paint/custom them ?
Most of the characters i use are originally created for train sets, many by a German company called Preiser. They generally come unpainted. Depending on the scene, i will cut up and repose the figures and model new clothing for them such as hoods and baggy jeans, then paint them. They then get super-glued to the street and left there.
Some of your scenes seem to be from the 50/60s. Is it intentional ?
The figures tend to have a 40s-50s vibe to them. I think this is because they are made for train sets and these often hark back to the ‘good old days’ of steam-powered trains.
Your little people looks a bit lost & alone in a huge city. Do you have sometimes similar feelings as a Londoner ?
This is something that i love bringing to my installations and shots – i like that meloncholy feeling. I think everyone who lives in a big city feels lost and alone at some point.
Do you feel close to the so-called “street-art” scene ?
In some ways yes. I think the ‘scene’ encompasses a lot of different styles of art which is what makes it exciting, although perhaps the general public still just think of graffiti as being street art. One of my favorite things about taking part in group shows has been to get to meet a wide variety of talented artists who in one way or another work on the street. I think because my work also involves photography it also stands apart a bit from ‘street art’ (In a way that work by someone like JR doesn’t as his photography actually gets displayed outside). It doesn’t feel wrong for me to put my shots in a gallery for instance, although i do prefer the part of my work that involves doing stuff outside.
How did you manage to have a foreword by Will Self ?
We just asked him and he said yes. He is very interested in scale and, of course, is also a Londoner so we hoped that he would be interested, and he was.
When you were a child were you into Lego or Playmobil?
I used to love lego. I was very much one of those children who prefered making things in his bedroom to playing football outside. I was always builing things from cardboard boxes and toilet rolls.
Any plans for the future that you want to tell us about?
I am working on different series of installations and shots that move the project forward a bit – they involve a lot more customisation of the figures. I also want to do some street-based projcts that don’t use little people but still keep that human element to them and explore how we live in cities and the types of people that live around us. And now it is autumn and wet again i want to hunt down more snails to mess around with. I have kinda fallen in love with snails a bit. They are pretty cute when you get to know them!
Slinkachu on the web:
Slinkachu book : “LITTLE PEOPLE IN THE CITY” – The street art of Slinkachu
ISBN 978-0-7522-2664-4
Nuria in Mallorca at Pilar y Juan Miro Foundation
Nuria in London
The Street Art Walking Tour:
An urban tour of site-specific art from
a group of five Madrid-based street artists: 3TTMan, Spok, Nano 4814, Eltono and Nuria Mora.
Nuria in Sicily
Jolek: Je suis JOLEK peintre sur tous supports , originaire du nord , sur Bordeaux depuis quelques années.
10 ans de graffiti et j ai dépassé le 1/4 de siècle…
eko: Le graffiti c’est comme collectionner des baskets ou mettre des jantes en alu c’est un truc de mecs. Exhiber des filles c’est juste une autre façon de briller vis-à -vis des copains ?
J’aime le graffiti / la peinture / les femmes et la photo , j’ai donc rassemblé ce que j aime , le résultat me plait et plait a mes modèles c’est le principal . Si ça plait aux autres c’est cool sinon j’men bat les c……
après je fais voir et fais tourner quelques photos aux potes qui aiment ce que je fais mais j’en ai qui restent secrètes .
T’as pas l’impression que sur tes photos on ne regarde plus tes pièces ?
Ceux qui aiment mes graffs regarderont les graffs et les sexygirlz.
Ceux qui ne m’aiment pas moi et mes graffs se contenteront de mater la sexy girl ou regarderont
Comment a commencé cette série pornograffitique ?
Mon premier body paint c’est une histoire de dingue que personne ne croira… . fait aux feutres de couleurs et marker noir réalisé sous skunk / photo pourrie mais un pur souvenir
Mon 2eme body paint c’etait pour une femme libertine contactée par le net / pour faire une série de photos insolites pour son site perso X.
Pour la 1ere séance photos pornograffitique. je faisais un graff autorise sur un camion de prostituée a Paludate pour ceux qui connaissent et j’ai convaincu la dame de poser devant mon graff.
Voila pour les débuts.
Les calendriers de routiers ont-ils bercés ton adolescence ?
J’avoue j’ai toujours aimé les magazines et vidéos de femmes dénudées mais je n’imaginais pas un jour avoir le plaisir de faire de telles photos .
Qui sont ces filles ?
Secret professionnel ,,,,. La plupart sont des modèles photos mais il y a aussi des étudiantes . une star du x. stripteaseuses , femmes libertines échangistes et coquines…………. toutes majeures et volontaires.
Comment les rencontres-tu ?
Je les rencontre par internet pour la plupart. Après il y a le bouche a oreille ou des connaissances.
T’es plutôt un gros baratineur ou ton charme est-il si irrésistible qu’elles ne peuvent refuser de poser pour toi ?
Non , je les contacte, fais ma proposition accompagnée de photos de ce que je fais , si interessee on échange quelques mails ou tel pour régler les détails si ok on se fixe une date sinon on laisse tomber.
Jamais de mauvaises rencontres lors des prises de vues ?
Jusqu’a présent ca c’est bien passé, j’espere que ça continuera comme ça, je vais dans les endroits ou je peins tranquille et où il n y a pas beaucoup de passage. Les modèles viennent souvent accompagnées et je me déplace avec mon pitbull, mon fusil a pompe et mon couteau à huitres.
L’hiver arrive, les rhumes aussi maintenant t’arrêtes tes conneries ok ?
Justement non, je vais en profiter pour faire du body painting au chaud, mais comme je suis du nord je suis habitué au froid et je continuerai à peindre en extérieur, par contre pour les photos de modèles devant graffs c’est clair que c’est pas terrible, je vais faire mes séances prévues et on verra la suite.
Je peux rajouter quelques dédicaces stp.
Pour mon homeboy, et mes vrais amis / EKO pour les photos publiées et cette interview, a ma copine [pour mes absences avec mes bimbos’. IDEM // GHETTO mon poto de BORDO //
NEFAZ // NAZ //GREMS………………………………………………………………………………………………………
DECIBELLE // ESTELLE // EVA // MISS AMAL //JADE // NATH // FABIENNE // CAROLE // TYPHAINE // COLINE // JULIETTE // CELINE// ANITA …….pour tous les graffeurs avec qui j’ai peint et partagé de bons moments et FUCK à toutes les langues de putes.
pour mes futures modèles et futurs supports
Merci à toi Jolek et j’ai envie de citer le pseudo d’un mec sur Flickr pour conclure: Fuck Vulgar shit !