Brad Downey – Tour de force

brad downey - artotale

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I’ve been a bit disappointed when discovering new Brad Downey piece on Just daily photo report for ARTotale.
What? Is it really finished? A giant painted Mac Donald’s ad!? No humoristic slogan? No sabotage by rats hanging around? No drips ?

brad downey 1

What is this piece about? Contrary to the people of Lüneburg we know Brad Downey. Is it not a real ad.
Brad, the University or the Festival organisation haven’t been paid by McD.
So is it to bring up the evil power of McD? Does it mean sponsoring a university or a soccer team is the same thing? Is taking money from private companies for education wrong?

brad downey 2

And I finally realised that –ironically- a commercial mural can finally be much more controversial & radical than a wall painted by a graffiti artist who is supposed to be an urban-rebel…!

brad downey - Mc Donald's

I contacted Brad Downey and I asked him a couple of questions:

Do the university and students enjoyed/understood your work?

Brad Downey: I have not heard any response from the university staff. So, I suspect they do not approve. Maybe they feel a bit cheated as I did not tell them what I wanted to paint. I maintained that my work would be created spontaneously.

The university students understood my work very well. I was very worried that the painting would be misunderstood by the students and my fellow artists. The University is undergoing a process of “Rebranding”. To my understanding, Leuphana has recently paid a large sum of money to design a new logo, name, and concept for the whole Universiy. Part of an effort to raise student fees. One student explained to me that it has been referred to internally as an Americanization of the old German school. And many of the students are unhappy about this. Some have made their own films addressing this same issue. Our ARTtotale, street art project, seems to be a part of this re-branding.

Do you think the wall will last long?

B.D.: I hope so. I think it’s a good work.

Have you already received any reaction from Mc Donald yet?

B.D: This work has nothing really to do with McD. I just wanted to insert “random logo with power.” It could have been any well know logo. I feel that many of the so called “street artists” do this anyways. They travel the world painting logos. So, I thought I should show up and just paint any logo.

Anything else?

B.D.: Special thanks to the The Wa (he helped paint the whole thing.)

brad downey

More about Brad Downey on ekosystem : interview [summer 2008]
All the photos by JUST (cc)

et en Français:


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L’autre ville (the other city)


Le site de « l’autre ville » présente un projet qui a débuté en 2005 à Toulouse.

Au moment où nous avons découvert le graffiti, la ville est devenue un immense terrain de jeu. Poussés par la recherche de spot, nous nous sommes mis à l’explorer de fond en comble. Le graffiti a éveillé en nous une réelle curiosité de l’espace urbain et en particulier de tous les lieux en marge de la ville, voire secrets. Savoir ce qui se trouve derrière un mur ou une ouverture bouchée de parpaings, soulever une plaque d’égout, arpenter les voies ferrées ou les bordures de périph…Se fondre à la ville. Tout cela est devenu un leitmotiv qui nous pousse à aller toujours plus loin, à dériver vers l’inconnu. Parfois, on ne trouve rien, et on rentre bredouille, le sac de bombes encore plein. Mais cette recherche, qui s’apparente pour nous à de l’archéologie est devenue aussi importante que celle de peindre.

Toujours à la recherche de ces jardins secrets, l’aventure continue au gré de nos déplacements et de nos voyages. Hors de Toulouse, mais toujours dans « l’autre ville ».


Photos from abandonned placed at






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Momo interview

momo rojo book

If you were French, Momo would be a short name for Maurice or Mohamed. Where does this name come from? Where are you from Momo? What five words best describe you?

I’m sure that MOMO sounds better in French.  Its just a silly nickname.  I’m from San Francisco, all my family is; three generations on both sides, but I live in Brooklyn now.  A friend from high school sitting next to me wants to say: “icon”, “positive”, “loves to laugh”, “stylish”, “obsessive” to describe me, but its with a dry sense of humor (and more than 5 words).

Your work is often a mix of clean and sharp shapes and some more spontaneous/random shapes. Does it reflect something about you; a fight between order & freedom? a split personality : Mondrian vs the Sex pistols?

I think you’re right.  I made loads of drawings while in Paris from medieval tapestries that feature crumbling castles (Armageddon imagery) in 2003.  It was “order and disarray”, and since then its interested me.  Entropy… we’re doomed while we’re uptight, and its a confetti party if you let go.  Or how hard I worked all my youth to draw well and now I do scribbles and blobs(?).  There’s also anger, & seeing order destroyed feels good, for stupid fun, and also smart revelation, ’cause order is superficial.

Momo New Orleans

Your work is often based on pasting many geometric colored papers. Do you know where you will display your work when you are working on it? Does the final work look always exactly like what you planned in your studio, or does it change a bit when you paste your material? It looks exactly how I plan it.  I’ve tried other ways, like carrying cut paper that could fill any space, like 100 cut dots or stripes, then spread them like paint anywhere. But I enjoy having as much as possible thought-out, and really collage is not so flexible.

Who is your art for? When did creating art become something important in your life? My art is for anyone at all (seriously, that’s the best), but not everyone.  I was hooked at age 3.  The weird experience was: I was making kids drawings, like wishing I had access to video games: so one character shoots another and you scribble them out…. then I wished I had a camera, so I made drawings to look like photographs, with foreshortening, cropped elements- and adults freaked out.  I thought that was pretty cool.


There are trends in graphic design and art: Pixels, Deer antlers, drips, stencils… Fluo colors & rhombi were pretty popular recently. Do you feel close to this 80’s revival?
Yikes, no way, none of it.  Its sexy, but I came to the loud color thing from time I’d spent in the Caribbean.  My inspiration is their self taught wide-open use of color, I’d like to avoid “Pop”, retro or otherwise. (more…)

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Rowdy – Visual interview

01aero-brushSpraycans please, preferably ones with Nozzles on

02colorsI would like some Colour!!
though if it’s a case of Ska V Airbrushing? Then I’ll go Ska.

03drips_or_notThe way I learned to paint was no Drips…So no I don’t want to be a drip.

04-website-paper1Think I’ll have to go tangible old Skool…and opt for the paper.


Did the no gloves thing for many years,  but what’s the point in getting caught red handed. Gloves it is. (more…)

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CRE – Visual interview

01aero-brush1It’s hard to make a choice ! maybe “spraycans” coz’ it’s more fun…

02colors1white and black for graffiti… colors on my canvases…

03krink-pixacao100% drips, but not only with krink…

04drugnow, i’m drinking a fresh beer (Hoegaarden)… ganja is just bullshit !

05_nightclub_fightclubFIGHT CLUB for the social message…
eko, you must stop to go to your favorite night club !!!
We’re going to find the good way to save your soul with the bible…


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Chase – Visual interview

Visual interview with CHASE.


I only use spray paint,
don’t really know how to use a brush,
I don’t even own one!

Antwerp_LAProud to be from Belgium, happy to live in LA!


But mostly colors because they contain so much energy when used together.
I’m looking for color combos that you can almost taste when you see them…


I’m influenced by both! Pop + surreal and conceptual.
Good combo if you can wangle it.


Find art in everyday people and things and experience the truth with them.

sendak_bodeBoth super-dope!

07piracyMusic is the message and the message is in the music.


I used to love the ganja but stopped smoking it 12 years ago, after I had
smoked pretty much everyday for 4-5 years.
I used to smoke a half a joint
before bed and then the other half right when I woke up…
It started to slow me down too much so I quit!
Now I’ll have a drink every once in a
while even though that’s starting to slow my energy down the next day…
it’s all about energy!


Jaws was the man!
My pops had a friend when I was growing up who was a bouncer.
People nick-named him “Jaws” because he still had all his
baby-teeth! Here’s this big tough guy with the smallest little teeth, it
looked real funny!


Loved ’em both! I think I started off with Lego, but then got into Playmobil.


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Pener One – Spectrum crew

Visual interview with

Pener one – Spectrum crew


I’ve got no preference in terms of painting tools that I use.
I love paintbrushes as well as markers ;) I like the smell of both ink and paint.


…Amsterdam… I’ve been there a couple of times, but never had a
chance to collaborate with SOL CREW EINDHOVEN…. The works of Erosie
and the rest of the guys have really made a huge impression on me.


Definitely black&white…. A sharper contrast… Easier reception…
You cannot cheat, you cannot conceal a thing :)
There is power in simplicity.


When it comes to the technique and obtained effect I’d definitely
prefer stencils…I always try to merge my templates with background to
fit them in into the whole composition…A stencil enables the wall
project to go much easier and faster… It gives the final effect… On
top of that I love its phat effect… The runs, inaccuracy… These
things define my work pretty often


Definitely Dexter. I think it won’t finish well though…
I got somewhat lost around the fifth episode…
Anyhow, my wife still watches it :)


laura palmer laura palmer laura palmer laura palmer laura palmer laura palmer




‘Both… Preferably mixed.
binarpilot, Atari Teenage Riot, prefuse73, vitalic, Animal Collective,
jan garbarek, primus, meshuggah,…I listen to all kinds of music,
depending on the hour or activities I’m involved in. (more…)

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MC1984 – Visual interview

Visual interview with MC1984.


Les pinceaux, parce que c’est l’outil premier.
J’utilise aussi beaucoup le Posca surtout pour les stickers et les lettres
c’est pratique mais c’est assez couteux.
Brushes, because it is the first tool.
I also like very much Posca especially for stickers and letters
but it is not a cheap tool.

02-amster-barceAmsterdam, parce que je n’y suis pas retourné depuis longtemps voir les vélos.
Amsterdam, i haven’t been there for a long time to see the bikes…

Le noir et blanc, je ne suis pas un grand coloriste.
Black & White, i’m not a big colorist.


Les autocs, j’en fais à la main et j’en colle depuis la fin des années 8o.
Stickers, mine are handmade. I started stickers in the late 80’s.


Dexter, il m’a rappelé comment tuer sans laisser de traces (bâche)
Dexter, he reminded me how to kill without any trace. (more…)

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Skate boards (part II)

kaws Krooked

Alexone for Alice


l’Atlas for Deck-on

Mist for Deck-on

Neckface for Baker

Tabas for Logo?

Dave Kinsey for Mob

Kid Acne for Logo?
kid acne

Revok for skate all cities & Zoo York

Space Invader for Mekanism

Tilt for Deck-on
tilt skate
Zevs for Mekanism

Sheppard Fairey
Sums the paw
Sums on Flickr
sums the paw - skateboardssums

Kami for FTC


Special thanks to true2death
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Plakboek, Eindhoven & Erosie


Plakboek has been released for the Dutch Design Week 2008. I think it was not an “urban-art” event, how did you get involved in this ?

Eindhoven is a small city and design is Eindhoven’s claim to fame because of the Design Academy etc. Luckily there are quite some other events during the DDW not directly related to the ‘ pots and pans, chairs and tables’-design, but places where there is a different touch. One of these places is Freek Lomme‘s Onomatopee and his Your-space. He did a lot of the arranging so we were lucky to produce the book.

Actually I think it’s good it was not related to an “urban art event”, it’s good to see genres mix, I never liked that art is only about art, urban only about urban, hiphop only about hiphop etc. There are good and bad things to find in all fields.

Plakboek - Stickers

What was your aim with this book, to make a kind of photo album of the last 10 years in Eindhoven ?

In a way yes. Like a scrapbook should be…Me, space3 and Crackrock wanted a good overview of certain people and certain works that had an impact on Eindhoven’s streets in the past 10 years or so. Next to that of course there are also more traditional tags and old electricity boxes with tags still visible after 15 or even 20 years. Most of these were buffed just recently, so in a way the book shows the ghosts of a past era, and also shows the constant battle with the citycleaners. Also it’s good that a lot of things are put together in one book, unlike big cities there are not so many people constantly going in and out of Eindhoven so a lot of nice things never were seen.

Plakboek - Football

The curator of the exhibition gives a few explanations in the book, but according to you, what made Eindhoven scene special ?

The fact that a lot of people with different backgrounds met in a similar field; producing stuff in the streets that challenged each other to make more and different work. A constructive vibe instead of losing too much energy battling in a negative way. More traditional graffiti always existed next to other expressions, people did both art or design and graffiti and crosshatched these fields. On a personal level all these different people always relatively got along quite well, it’s a small place it makes sense.


What does Eindhoven look like today ? Is it all buffed ? Are there interesting new comers we should know ?

Yes…it’s mostly buffed and kept clean. Like most other North-European or at least Dutch cities there is apparently enough money to spend on city-cleaning, and it’s done as a “safety measure”; people feel unsafe and the best way to lighten that feeling is a superficial one. Nothing really changes, it looks and feels “better”, so that makes all the difference. It makes sense I guess in a society that is so much about appearance and looks.

Still people do things so there is still stuff to see, but it’s not as vibrant as before. In the bigger picture it makes sense that things change after a 10-year span.

plakboek - stickers

If I visited Eindhoven, which are the places I shouldn’t miss ?

Definitely check out MU, an art space with good contemporary art and changing exhibitions as well as the Van Abbe Museum, look for Arnol, the loudest streetpreacher ever in the center city, he will give you Jesus’ blessings personally, drink a beer or fifteen at the Lafolie-bar, go to Motta artbooks, break a leg in Area51 skatepark, get your infamous Dutch-cuisine lunch at Dik & Lang, try to be at a Stroomhuis-party, and that should be enough for one day to not come back in quite a while…

Van Abbe Museum(cc) Facemepls

We are at the end of an era for what was called street-art last years. Are you still interested in the current scene ?
What artists are you currently excited about?

I really like Influenza‘s ongoing experiments in the research of using and abusing our cities and it’s public spaces…I still can’t get over what Mischa Leinkauf and Matthias Wermke did with their film “zwischenzeit”, it’s so good. Did you see Blu’s latest visit to Barcelona? I saw some beautiful stuff from Adams some time ago that make you realise how far some people push things…Ofcourse it’s interesting to see the developments ( or lack of developments) by our beloved (or not so beloved) streetart superstars and the famegame and moneymachine around it, some change in just a decade! Next to that there are so many things happening it takes too much space to type down…not only in street-related fields but in general. The more you see the less you know…


Is there any project or collaboration you would love to do but still nobody asked you to ?

I would just like to find a way to bend time a bit more in my advantage.
If somebody can help me with that, that would be really nice.


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