Today’s photos: Skirl train in Wien, Marto in Ouagadoudou, 3615, CacaoRocks in Cyprus, Nerone & Buron on a blockhaus, Cre…
Revue de Presse
Quelques articles parus dans la presse généraliste française:
– Berlin 1989: Le jeune homme et le mur (Thierry Noir, 1er peintre du mur de Berlin en 1984) (le monde)
– Trois arrestations après le meurtre de Zoo Project. (sud-ouest)
– La RATP et la SNCF à la chasse aux graffeurs. (les inrocks)
– Karim Boukercha: “Dans l’histoire du graffiti, le terrain vague de Stalingrad est fondamental”. (telerama)
Bunkers from THTO
3 new abstract pieces on blockhaus by THTO.
The Russian Spirit by Nootk
The 10 latest walls from NOOTK [moscow.russia].
12 photos of italian steel by OPAK-SDK-WUFC around Torino. [source – Thanks]
Wayne Horse
Recent wild works from Wayne Horse in Taipei, Hong-Kong and of course his hometown Amsterdam.
Vlady art – 3D street geometric [gif anim]
3D street geometric experiments on roadsigns by Vlady art.
Hello my name is Matt Stojko Im from Adelaide Australia. I have invented a new aerosol cap that works like an airbrush. It lets you paint fine lines to large with the same cap. Its being crowd funded now at
EKER + IMA train in St Petersburg
A selection of very different photos today: trains from Russia by IMA + colorful abstraction from Flix in Caracas + Peter Fuss about the mass consumer society in Poland…
BLA+ billboards in Paris
New billboards from BLA+.
Giorgio Bartocci freight wagons
Today’s photos: Giorgio Bartocci freight wagons + Cre + Ec13 + Goddog.
CT from Torino
3 new works from CT in Paris (Le mur), Aix en Provence & Torino.