1st time on ekosystem: 10 pieces by Loriot from Berlin, Germany. (via)
Awer, Berlin
Tenia & Awer – Berlin

Awer and Alexander Tenia for Freqs of Nature festival around Berlin;the mural is done with the chromadept technique so there were 3d glasses around the festval and people were enjoing the deepness of it walkingaround and tring to get the creatures from Tenia!
Love is freedom

Aïda Gómez: “A padlock on a bridge is considered a symbol of love in many cultures but we all know that the key to a successful relationship, is freedom.”
br1 in berlin

New kind of veiled women by BR1 in Berlin.
Duncan Passmore

3 new abstract walls from Duncan Passmore.

Moallaseconda in Berlin and Torino.
Spray – Berlin

6 new walls by Spray TG from Berlin.
SPRAY from Berlin

New walls from SPRAY, Berlin.
The untouchable BLU
Blu: “In 2007 and 2008 I painted two walls at Cuvrystraße in Berlin (with the support of Lutz, Artitude and its volunteers).
In 2014, after witnessing the changes happening in the surrounding area during the last years, we felt it was time to erase both walls.”