Basketball court by Gue in Alessandria, Piemonte. (photos :
Ugo Galassi)
+ 2 graffiti pieces from him and his friend Hipo in Sicily.
Basketball court
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Basketball court by Gue in Alessandria, Piemonte. (photos :
Ugo Galassi)
+ 2 graffiti pieces from him and his friend Hipo in Sicily.
New GUE italian wagon.
New Italian trains from the Gummy Gue.
Daily photos: With a few new prods from Guè + 108 + Giorgio Bartocci + El Euro + SpY + G.Loois + Pez + Graphic Surgery.
Oh, and the Photo search function is back on the white column on the left. You can now type several words at the same time. I think it works pretty well. You can do search like ’sexual train’, ’snow poland’ or ’drips bordeaux’.