Metro-bridge column at “Link festival” in Brescia, Italy by Nootk.
ZonenKinder in Chemnitz
M like Monolog

How did it all begin?
Monolog: It started in
2001 when I made my first bombing like classic graffiti piece. Later on I started to use also brushes instead of spray cans and my approach to
work was more experimental. I was working with a letter “M” which comes
out from my tag or nickname Monolog.
I made many geometric variations of it. Nowadays, I use only spray cans and letter “M” by the time is not visible anymore. It disappeared
slowly, but my style is still very well recognizable.

How can you define your style?
M: When I am
thinking about it, maybe it comes from my studies. I was studying
technical engineering, that’s why my works are based on geometric shapes and I am trying to be precise.

What does inspire me?
M: I think it’s not about inspiration, it is just relish and pleasure from doing it.
Which artists from Slovakia you like or could point out?
For example:
Thank you for your interest and space on your website.
0331C – best of 2017
ilya over
Monolog [part 1]
Monolog lives and paints in abandoned places in Slovakian countryside near the city of Košice.
Poch, Rock & Johnny
RSHR”37 photo archives
Train selection from RSHR”37 photo archives. Straight out from Odessa, Ukraine.
Mr Fijodor
Meat is murder
…Imon again
New walls by super-creative Imon from Andalucia, Spain.