Black wall paintings by Dima from Ukraine in Poznan-Poland. It’s a personal vision of the recent crisis in his country.
Black wall paintings by Dima from Ukraine in Poznan-Poland. It’s a personal vision of the recent crisis in his country.
A few new pieces from ElEuro. [Piemonte-Italy]
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Otecki, Seikon, Veraking & Jacyndol in Szemud-Poland.
– Photo selection of aborted train pieces on Almost Finished #1.
– Drone painting experiments: An Interview with Katsu.
– New pastings from Monsieur Poulet.
– Gato from Barcelona has a website.
– CT from Milano has a webdomain.
– Photos of Mark Jenkins: Terrible Horrible in Koln.
– Legz –the spaghettist– interview [fr].
– JR le comble de la démagogie pour les Inrocks [fr]. Avec des morceaux de commentaires intéressants dedans.