I asked Patrick Hartl and Christian Hundertmark the 2 cowriters of “The art of writing your name” to select an artist from their book and tell us a few words about him.
TILT by Patrick Hartl:

Patrick Hartl:” First of all because TILT is still an active graffiti vandal dropping his
stuff all over the globe and leaving his marks in every big city on this planet. The word Calligraffiti includes Graffiti, so to me it’s just a matter of course that Calligraffiti artists should have some Graffiti background – and TILT is the very best example for that. His style is pure Graffiti attitude, classic tags and throw ups – the language of the street perfected to the limit. I simply love that.“
EGS by Christian Hundertmark:

Christian Hundertmark: “While working on the book Patrick and I agreed that it is really important to cover the whole spectrum of urban calligraphy writing, not only the well known calligraphy but also the more abstract style. We aimed on more versatility than showing the typical stereotypes. Another important point was that this book had to be international and not showing works from artists from just one country. Sometimes this was a difficult task as i.e. in France you find a lot of artists doing urban calligraphy while in other parts of the world like Finland you find less (or we didn’t know about them). This also lead to the fact that some artists you maybe expect to be featured in this book could be missing but this was due to a tough selection process.
Back to EGS: Since both Patrick and I used to be active graffiti writers in the early 90ies painting trains we also knew about EGSs graffiti works back then
and had followed his career over the years. So it was clear he had to be featured in this book representing the very abstract side of urban calligraphy in combination with being an authentic graffiti writer.“