3 buildings painted by 0331c& Grisha Shto with fire extinguisher and
1500 liters of latex paint.
Selection of some of my favorite photos posted on ekosystem last winter. Photo above by 0331c in Moscow.
A selection of some of my favorite photos posted on ekosystem.org last summer.
Photo above : Simek in Greece.
Simek from Greece with a fire-extinguisher + a big warehose from Chu in Buenos Aires + Sobeckis & Super Timor + Reyes msk + Dais & Sek2 at Roskilde festival.
Daily photos with brutal tag from Gore on train + Fra-Biancoshock + Rayzyn + Kef in London + Zap from Sidney…
It was -25°c in Moscow recently, but it’s not enough to stop 0331c and his friends. Here is their Graffiti Christmas tree, it’s decorated by the best graffiti bombers of Moscow! Check the process video and the photos.
Awesome new fire-extinguisher actions from 0331C in Moscow.