GLUB from Madrid spent the whole month of February 2014 drawing non-stop. You can now download his sketch book [pdf] and see some of the actual pieces here.
GLUB from Madrid spent the whole month of February 2014 drawing non-stop. You can now download his sketch book [pdf] and see some of the actual pieces here.
Freight upgrade is a PDF magazine about freight train art (graffiti, hobbo art…) in ex-USSR (Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Moldova).
Freight upgrade is a new PDF magazine about freight train art in ex-USSR (Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Moldova).
Igor who was the chief editor of Objects 2 offer us the PDF file of his sold-out book.
It is a great opportunity to discover or know more about the Russia street-art scene.
??????? ??????? !
Igor is working on a 3rd book about 3D objects and installations in the street.
edit [march 2009]: the 3rd book is out !