15 photos of Mouse & the Sunshiners from Bulgaria.
Fra Biancoshock about Globalization in Prague
Daily photos: Fra-Biancoshock interpretation of the concept of globalization, which spares nothing and no one, not even those who have nothing in Prague + Nelio in Portugal + a zombie attack + new portraits from Sixo in Paris + a billboard from OX + naked Kuma.
SpY – 0 Facebook likes
New SpY intervention in Madrid with the collaboration of a homeless person. After spending several hours with the sign, there was a significant increase in public attention and donations. More explanations here.
Ilegal Squad issue 76
Illegal Squad is a Mexican graffiti magazine. They are launching their online magazine. You can already check their 1st digital issue [eng+spa]. It contains interviews with Alex Fakso,Said Dokins, a graffiti/street-art retrospective of the last 10 years…
Stinkfish + Nivedita Siddhartan in Delhi, India
Stinkfish in Delhi & Bangalore in India + in Cuba + in Moscow.
Poeta – Argentina
Latest works from Poeta in Buenos Aires + Rowdy & Sweetooth rockin’ on the river.
dotdotdot – norway
DotDotDot bankvault in Norway + Rubin in the artic circle + Seikon from Poland in Palermo + Peter Fuss billboard + Colorful pieces from SY in St Petersburg.
Recent works from Ibie in Barcelona + a selection of walls from NoteaNetone.
Charles ‘leboce’ Foussard
It makes me sad when someone drops his graffiti blaze for his real name. The message I get is: the party is over, I’m a serious adult now :-(
Anyway, it is still a very great pleasure to discover the new colorful blockhaus from Charles Foussard formerly known as Leboce.
E1000ink – Madrid
E1000ink in Madrid + Repaze in French countryside.
Summer 2013 photo selection
Summer 2013 photo selection ft. Tec in Sao Paulo (above) , 108, Pao, Ever, Apl 315, Fra-Biancoshock, Mr Bino, Ludvig, Ox…
Daily photos with Mr Magoo by Pao + a fresh train by the critically acclaimed comedy actor nammed Boris + 108 in Bien Urbain Festival + Monsieur Qui in Paris and a few more.