To end 2009 and to start the new year.
I asked a few ekosystem friends and contacts 9 things about 2009.
1- One of your photos :
I love snow, I love freight trains, I love graffiti, and I love my friends…
2- One photo you found on the web:
This is a photo from
Modern hobos in America…I would like to be in this boxcar travelling slowly through the country.
3- One web-video:
This is a video from the Carnaval de Dunkerque, in North of France. It’s an event I had always wanted to be part of, and I went for the first time this year. It’s huge, a big let it go feast in midwinter. The video was shoot the day I was there. It’s not very good quality, but it’s really hard for people to make movies in the chaos!
4- One track :
I mostly listen to old things, lp’s I found in flea-markets; in East London I founded a Boxcar Willie lp. I didn’t know him before, but now I’m really crazy with his hobos songs!
This is a “train medley”:
5- One artist:
Filjio, a croatian artist I met and with whom I worked that year. A nice person and a very concerned artist. This is his new blog:
But so many others…
6- One Book:
“Mostly True“, the best book I have seen till today about freight art/life in America! Read it!

7- One city:
What a difficult choice to make!
For me every city is unique. But for 2009 I think about Lodi in Italy for all the good meetings I had there the last summer, the cool atmosphere…but ok, Brussels to! For the crazy week-ends and the big daily flea-market. And of course Doel, I had never seen a place like that before…so destroy, so sad, but so romantic. And at last Lille, because it’s my adoptive city and I love it so much, day after day. ‘Hope to visit a lot of new cities in 2010..!
8- One annoying thing:
One more year “talking” with cops, anti-graffiti police and intolerant people about our art…THAT is really annoying.
9- One last word:
Thanks for the nice new meetings I made in 2009, because of art and near and far graffiti…we are so lucky to have it. Graffiti for life.
SO great my boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are a wonderful guy !!!!