25 photos from last summer indie event in Ukraine: Black Circle Festival 6 (part 2).
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Black Circle Festival 6 (2015) * Part 1/6:Life
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Black Circle Festival 6 (2015) * Part 3/6:Works
Today’s photos: Skirl train in Wien, Marto in Ouagadoudou, 3615, CacaoRocks in Cyprus, Nerone & Buron on a blockhaus, Cre…
Here are the 1st photos of the 4th edition of the Black Circle Festival 2013. It took place in a village named Sheshory (Ivano-Frankivsk region). Just like the previous edition,…
“The legend of Fred ILLE & Gwen VILAINE” a project by MTO from Berlin in Rennes/France [photos+video].