Podcast avec Monsieur Poulet (fonce #18)
Podcast avec Monsieur Poulet (fonce #18)
Astonishing media exposure for this JACE canvas in the office of the controversial french scientist Didier Raoult who claims that Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin were effective in treating for COVID-19.
Interview in French of Tacos, Mouse from Bulgaria and myself at Noshimag.
Podcasts in Spanish with Nuria Mora, Ampparito and a few more at vdevictoria.
Interview of Finsta on vltramarine.ru (formerly codered). Short one in English & fully illustrated one in Russian.
Wallpaper of Finsta illustration above: 1280×800 – 1366×768 – 1680×1050 – 1920×1080.
Finsta designed an original font and all the graphics of the Pirate Bay AFK documentary
a cople of months ago, Juxtapoz presented All City Canvas: The Short Film to show us a bit more of this great festival that took part on Mexico City eight moths ago.
La ciudad de México fue sede de All City Canvas, con artistas como El Mac, Escif, Roa, Vhils, Saner, entre otros. Juxtapoz, presento el estreno del documental All City Canvas: The Short Film.
El proyecto fue conceptualizado por ARTO, MAMUTT y MUJAM. adicionalmente a las intervenciones en la Ciudad de México, se realizaron una serie de conferencias en el Museo Nacional de Arte y una pequeña exhibición en Fifty24MX Gallery.
El Festival se llevo a cabo en la Ciudad de México del 30 de abril al 5 de mayo, 2012.
via Juxtapoz
I can understand you don’t really like the highly sexual & vulgar graffti work from Lush. But come on, these comics are just too good !!
Lush on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mercyfulfate/
Lush on ekosystem: http://ekosystem.org/tag/lush
Klebstoff sticker magazine & ekosystem.org collaborated to offer you 3 issues of Klebstoff magazine and some additional stickers.
1 magazine will be offered for the most interesting comment posted on ekosystem photo gallery before the 5th of October, 1 magazine for the funniest comment and another magazine for the most active commenter on ekosystem in the next 10 days.
Deadline October November the 5th at 12PM
Use a real e-mail on your comments if you want to be contacted to receive a magazine.
Klebstoff is a magazine completly printed on vinyl sticker material and the kiss-cuts make it possible to peel off the content from inside. From cover to end everything is a sticker.
Artists featured:
Matthias Müller, Peekasso, Erosie, Knudzich, Hobby176, Mr. Talion, AGHN, Ernst Markus Stein & Lucy F., Jorge Chamorro, Gregor Körting, Katz & Goldt, Christophe Lambert, Fuzz!Gun, Scores out of ten by Joseph Ernst, Mape, Resto, Paul Barsch, Harthorst, Kevin Carpio, Mr. Kern, Tilman Hornig
The second issue of the PDF-zine Upward. 136 pages.
ft: Peru 143 from Montreal, 0331c from Moscow, Lovis, Xpome, Omer…
Texts are in Russian and English
0331c: “In 2008 I wanted to make bird houses in the shape of symbols, but I hadn’t had money then to embody my idea. And finally in 2011 thanks to one festival financial support (organized in favor of Moscow parks cleanness) I managed to carry out my project.
The target of the project is to combine an interesting outlook of the birds’ houses with their practical application. In other words I wanted the birds to like it and to settle there.
All the birds’ houses are made according to the rules. I also painted it in the colours which would suit the birds. I used water basic paint.
I want to Thank: Igor Ponosov, Anya, 4 ROADS STEREO, Stas Dobry and Gred”
0331c:” В 2008-ом году я задумывал делать скворечники в виде символов, но тогда у меня не было денег на реализацию идеи. И вот в 2011 благодаря финансовой поддержке местного фестиваля (за чистоту и экологию московских парков), мой проект реализовался.
Основной идеей проекта является не только эстетическая часть, но и практическое применение скворечников. Все скворечники сделаны по правилам, окрашены цветами способствующими к привлечению внимания птиц, краской на водной основе.
Отдельное спасибо за поддержку и помощь: Игорю Поносову, Анне, 4 ROADS STEREO, Стас Добрый, Gred.”
Two days working with a professional conservator on a small section of The Graffiti Wall of Fame in Vienna to uncover fifteen years of hidden layers. Attempting various chemical and mechanical processes to rediscover. This is the first test.
Brad Downey 2010