I uploaded for the 1st time a piece from CT 8 years ago (2-jun-2005).
8 years later here is his latest one.

CT june 2nd [2013]

CT June 2nd [2005]
Pez & Zosen are back from Cologne where they painted 2 huge colourful walls. The murals are part of a project carried out by the Association Color Revolution in the working class district of Ehrenfeld. The wall belongs to Ehrenfeld station and will join the tour of murals of City Leaks Festival.
-> You can check process photos by Rodrigo Mirando.
Grems in London south bank center + Marto in Burkina Faso + Derik & the skinkackin’ crew + DingoPerroMudo from Madrid.
Today’s photos: Monsieur Qui in Paris & Marseille + Nelio & Friends in Lyon + Sabek from Madrid in Kathmandu/Nepal.
The Canadian artist “Other” is currently in Copenhagen, for his exhibition at Mohs Exhibit.
The exhibition entitled “Shallow Lake” opened last friday. I swung by and had a look…
From the press release:
Troy lovegates is a nomadic folk artist that paints stories of way finders and lost stories told around bonfires ..This art show is a compilation of paintings made over a grumpy grey winter in Toronto , turbulent drawings during cross America train excursions, night buses to Detroit and chicago, and a geriatric transatlantic 14 day cruise …. As reference material numerous homeless people’s souls were captured in alleyways or sleeping on park benches in buenos aires ,Bucharest , Berlin , Barcelona and any other cities you can think of that start with a B … The old wood and frames were scavenged in abandoned buildings during long winter walks or longer summer bike rides … All this is really just a storyline and composition of wandering and exploring outdoors…dragged inside and fancied up to be gazed upon..
The exhibition will be up until 29.06.13 at Mohs Exhibit.
More info:
You may have noticed difficulties to access to ekosystem today, we made a little mistake when working on refreshing the photo gallery. The new pages might be online in a few weeks…
Anyway here are today’s photos: Luka, Shida, Boris, Skki, Hobz, Pro176.