The book pitch:
Between 2008 & 2010 Taps & Moses painted about 1000 rolling trains within 1000 days!

A question that is always asked in graffiti-writer interviews is : which is better quality or quantity ?
Taps and Moses have clearly chosen both.

The book is very heavy : 1800g and it features on 288 pages (30x22cm) more than 800 photos.
When I check book about street-art & graffiti I must admit that I usually already know most of the photos & artists.
It was a completely different experience with this book where 99% of the photos were new to me.

The 2 german guys paint classic graffiti pieces, but also some very original and smart pieces.
You certainly saw on the net their brilliant red subway car that has one of its doors painted to another spot.

They also excel in the art of painting wholecars.

Who are Taps & Moses ?
It is said that they are two already well-known names in the train scene. It’s easy to believe, two unexperienced writers couldn’t achieve such a colossal mission.
But at the same time, to paint such a number of pieces seems so insane, that we can also think that they have been helped by friends sometimes.

It is clear that this book will be an instant classic to all train graffiti lovers. I knew many train-writers in the early nineties and for many of them, the goal to achieve was to paint 100 panels and a one-man wholecar. Taps & Moses obviously play in a different league, a category they created the International Topsprayer.

Taps & Moses
ISBN: 978-3-939566-35-9
Hardcover, 30 × 22 cm, 288 Pages.

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Rhino des villes

Cherchant des livres pour mon fils dans le rayon “1ers albums” d’une Médiathèque, je suis tombé par hasard sur “Rhino des villes“. L’album date d’avril 2010.

Les rhinocéros ont été chassé des villes, un seul spécimen y vit encore, Gaëtan Dorémus illustre la présence du dernier Rhinoceros par des photos du Rhino dans la ville avec différentes techniques ( collages, craie, Légo…)

A part l’abécedaire de Michaël De Feo ( Alphabet City: Out In The Streets ) les livres “Street-art” sont tous documentaires, l’originalité de celui ci est qu’il s’adresse à un public différent.

Au début des années 2000 un Lyonnais dessinait des Rhino, j’ai d’abord cru qu’il s’agissait de la même personne, mais finalement le graphisme semble différent.

Rhino des villes
Auteur : Gaëtan Dorémus
Editeur : Autrement Jeunesse
Collection : L’imagier d’Emma
Album à partir de 3 ans
18 €uros
ISBN: 978-2-7467-1389-5
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Influenza & Son / Little Happy Men

As we all know the world is a pretty violent place for kids.

Fatherly responsible proud dad Influenza guides his son in his first steps through the world of visual language..


Finding his own traces back in the street as one of the few visual that aren’t commercially motivated, but just simply fun to look at:

“you know, for kids!”



Photo report : Influenza

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10 true Madrid shutters

A post & some photos by Miss Kaliansky:

Tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 6, there will be a big call to paint 100 shutters downtown Madrid.

The initiative has generated much opposition from the graffiti community, because, most likely, they´ll paint over true and illegal shutters already painted. This action may cause a big graffiti riot.

BCNstyle is calling to boycott and in the website of one of the organizers, there´s a big controversy (only in Spanish)
And also because the organization makes the artist pay for their own cans.

Meanwhile, here Miss Kaliansky shows you Madrid 10 originals shutters. Some very old, that still survive. And some new ones.
All made with sincerity and without strange and hidden interests such as gentrification ….

Peace & respect

La Pluma Electrik

Ring Hartos
Teki e Iwana

Photos by Miss Kaliansky

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DRAN – I love my world

By Dran

Ean : 9782917409053
prix  : 15 euros

I love my world est déjà le 6ème recueil de dessins de Dran sorti chez les editions populaires.  L’humour noir de Dran parle à tous. Pas besoin d’être porté sur le graffiti pour apprécier ses dessins.


et un petit bonus avec une vidéo tournée il y a 15 jours à Londres pour l’expo de Dran “I have Chalks“.

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Zonenkinder in Ukraine

Here is a report received from ZonenKinder who was invited at the Muralissimo Festival in Kiev, where they painted  with Interesni Kazki.

Actually we expected to travel to a town solely consisting of grey concrete facades. But we were positively surprised to find a beautiful city centre – even in winter. Picturesque old buildings, parks, lots of chestnut trees (it has been reported that these trees are blooming amazingly in spring time), countless orthodox churches with golden shimmering cupolas and on the inside decorated with murals of saints, the Dynamo Kiev football stadium, luxury cars of all kinds, the Bridge of Lovers, the monument to the city founders, the Parliament, painted streetcars, stray dogs crossing the streets only at green lights, the famous Rainbow-Monument, a manifestation against the recent tax increase for small businesses and a lot more can be found on a one day trip through the Ukrainian capital.

Invited by Interesni Kazki, the German Embassy and the Lavra-Gallery we took a plane and arrived in Kiev on Wednesday 23rd of November in the early morning. We met Waone and AEC the same day inside the Embassy where we were sincerely welcomed. In the evening time we went together with the Ukrainian artists to the Lavra-Gallery where we discussed about forms and colours and created a first concept together. It was a nice experience to see our thoughts and ideas grow together very easy and quickly and we had some inspiring artistically conversations with Interesni Kazki. The ensuing day we had a fine Muralissimo-Baquet with nice music, tasty hors d’oeuvres and interesting chats at the cultural attaché’s home.

After some organisational problems concerning the preparation of our wall at a children’s hospital we wanted to start painting on Friday morning (it has to be mentioned here that sunset was already at about 4 p.m. and the average temperature was about -1 to -3 degrees Celcius, our flight back to Hamburg was scheduled for Monday morning and there was a press conference to be held on Sunday afternoon). But when we got to the spot that day we had to realize that one single painter with a (very) small brush on a shaky scaffold had just started to free the wall from dust and began to coat the pretty high wall wall in white. J

So we finally started painting on Saturday. Together with the Interesni-Kazki-guys we were lucky to finish at least the fill-in before it was getting dark. The temperatures sank constantly and only thanks to the fine ginger-tea of Waone and the sweet hot drinks in thermos jugs provided by Harald we were able to finish the Mural in time before sunset without catching a cold or falling off the scaffold like icicles. In the end we were satisfied with the results and the cameras at the press conference in the afternoon were able to catch some impressions of the colorful creative teamwork with our Ukrainian friends AEC and Waone. (more…)

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Trshr in Angola

TRSHR from Odessa/Ukraine sent us photos from Angola (south-central Africa).  As we could expect there is not an actual  graffiti scene in this country. But as you will discover walls & trains are not totally clean.

According to Wikipedia: “The country is the second-largest petroleum and diamond producer in sub-Saharan Africa; however, its life expectancy and infant mortality rates are both among the worst ranked in the world.”


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Art of Rebellion 3 – C100 interview

7 years after the 1st Art of Rebellion, you (C100) released “The Art of Rebellion III“.
On the intro of the new book you describe how things changed last years. Your intro is ambivalent. You are impressed that street-art became big & popular and at the same time you seem to regret that it became an industry.

You also painted a canvas with a slogan that I like very much: “Cash Rules Ruins Everything Around Me”. Are you still excited by today’s scene?

Yes, I’m still excited about the scene seen in terms of quality and its space for surprises, sometimes. But I think people who started before it became so popular and trendy witness how it changed from being underground to becoming almost commercial. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for many artists that they get paid now for their hard work but, however, sometimes I have the feeling that some artists transformed themselves into labels and became the thing they targeted in the beginning. That’s one of the reasons why I did the C.R.E.A.M. canvas – Money can make people do strange things…

Overall, it’s an ethic questions each artist has to answer by himself what is good for his “career” or not. I don’t want to sound like a preacher and leave it to everyone himself how to form his opinion on this!

In the 1st Art of Rebellion, most artists were very influenced by graffiti and street-art was quite naive. Work featured in this 3rd volume is much more mature and interesting I think. Do you think that today’s street-art is still related to the graffiti world or is it a kind of outdoor contemporary art?

No, I think in a way street-art still very often has the spirit of the graffiti world, the “Getting up” attitude and ignoring of existing laws for the sake of art. Maybe street art/graffiti is transforming into “outdoor contemporary art” but where is the big difference in this, honestly, aren’t these not just words to describe the same topic in the end? This whole debate is pigeon holing as overall it’s just art, isn’t it? In the end this collision between graffiti and contemporary art helped pushing the level of quality, which is good!

But I agree that the naiveté from the beginning is missing sometimes which I experienced in other fields like Skateboarding Snowboarding, BMX as well. At one point all these subcultures get professional and trendy which leads to the fact that newcomers appear (like toys in Graffiti) who tend to annoy the old schoolers….
I go by the motto: live and let live :)

I have sometimes the feeling that today’s scene is run by art-school students & what I call the “street-art bourgeoisie”. Almost all the artists featured in this 3rd volume are professional or are trying to live of their art. Is there still a space for graffiti as a hobby? The book is called “the Art of Rebellion”, are there still rebellion & innocence in street-art?

That’s a tough question, hmm – “street art bourgeoisie” is good name for this, haha!
To answer your question: In some way you can call it rebellious when you are ignoring laws for the sake of art and to wake up people. In comparison to other movements it seems ridiculous to speak of rebellion (i.e. fighting for freedom, against nuclear power).

I think there is still space for it to keep it as a hobby. I can only tell from my own experience. Even though I’m very busy in my jobs as a designer and author, I still enjoy doing street art and graffiti – as a hobby. Having that experience and spirit of graffiti has a massive advantage compared to being “just” an art school student who now thinks “this is cool” as your motivation comes more from the heart. For me subcultures like Graffiti, BMX & Skateboarding helped me grow up to the person I am and, thankful for that, I do my best to give something back to these cultures in showing the public the beauty of it.

Is there an artist that you would have enjoyed to include in the book, and for any reason isn’t?

Yes, Steve Powers, he had his reasons.

Would you like to make a 4th Art of Rebellion?

I remember when doing #1 I never imagined to do #2, same goes for #3. After this development I’d say that #4 isn’t unreal but no one knows when.

You also run a book collection named “Part of Rebellion”. I think you released 3 books: Flying Fortress, Erosie & Dave The Chimp. Can we expect to see a new one?

We worked on #4 about Kid Acne but decided to finish “The Art of Rebellion” first. We’ll see.

You live in Munich are there some local artists we should know?

Hmmm, most of them you probably know already: Flying Fortress, Sat One, Mr. Burns and Benjamin Röder.

Thanks for taking the time to have this little conversation Christian, Any last words?

You are welcome, eko. Thanks for being one of the main hubs in street art since day one!
Keep on keeping on! Peace, C100.

The Art Of Rebellion 3
the book about street art

Languages: ENG
Softcover/Paperback, 21 x 26cm, 216 Pages, 29,90 €
ISBN: 979-3-939566-29-8

Online order at Stylefile

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