9 photos from the italian minimalism king : CT
More to come in the next few days.
CT (Part 1/3)
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9 photos from the italian minimalism king : CT
More to come in the next few days.
6 fantastic pieces by Nerone in London streets. More to come.
8 new walls by Blot in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
“S W E E T” by Giulio Vesprini, Italy.
With the help of Google Maps, Biancoshock updates the road sign indicating a more realistic route of the next kilometer of your life.
3 new photos from Awer in Beirut and Berlin.
6 wavy pieces from Alex Afixl in St Petersburg, Russia. (via IG)
6 photos added to the 108 photo gallery started 18 years ago.
3 new photos from Lume from the south-west of Italy (Campania)