Los Iluminados, Saner.

Saner. Mexico City, 1981.

Fifty24MX Gallery presents “Los Iluminados” by Saner. the carnival started last weekend with the second solo show of Saner in Mexico City. The mexican folklore was present during the opening between masks, tequila, textures and colors, we could enjoy with live music and live painting.

The exhibition is composed by more than 50 pieces. Drawings made on wood, paper and other recycle materials.

Mi segunda exposición individual en México titulada “los iluminados”aborda la necesidad que tenemos de evolucionar como seres humanos, purificarnos antes de morir, tenemos la oportunidad de cambiar y encontrar la paz interna. Queremos vivir sin miedo.




Ladrillo y Carne, Smithe.

Smithe. Mexico City, 1987.

After more than 10 years of painting in the streets, Smithe, a young artist, presents his first solo show in Vertigo, an art gallery in Mexico City. Ladrillo y Carne, shows us his perspective of the mexican society.


Las ciudades no están terminadas; sus calles, muros, edificios y efigies lucen incompletas y así funcionan. Sobran contrucciones en este laberinto mal hecho. Entender a los ciudadanos como obras negras, inacabados, que avanzan rumbo a sus empleos, familias e infiernos. Atrapados en una rutina: nacer, crecer, reproducirse y morir. Y entre cada una de esas rutinas, más rutinas: trabajar, no dormir, encontrar el amor, etc.
Estamos entre paredes, atrapados y condenados a desgastarnos para permanecer con un objetivo claro: la lenta destrucción.


Juntos por siempre. Nacido para abultar. Estas embarazada. Cocinando El pan de cada día. Autoretrato. Ciclo laboral. Un producto más. Jubilación. Escena acostumbrada. Sistema óseo.Sin descanso.


Brad Downey – grafitti restoration 2

Brad Downey experimented graffiti restoration in Wien, last year.

He did it again with the restoration of a piece Banksy painted for the 1st Backjumps festival  in Berlin.

The squares on the wall were the spots where Banksy painted. Where are those paintings ? Extracted by Brad Downey to be sold on ebay ? Already stolen by someone else ? Time will tell…

Brad Downey
Year: 2011
Title: “What Lies Beneath”
Materials : restored/extracted “Banksy” Installation (originally painted in 2003 for the exhibition Backjumps- Volume:1), red paint
Dimensions: 4meter X 6meter 70cm


It is probably the biggest tag in the world. And it’s -surprisingly- made by a wealthy sheikh. He has written his name on the surface of his own private island (United Arab Emirates ) so big it can be seen from Google map. The letters seem to be a full kilometer tall in some places.

View Larger Map

Jim Denevan  is an American artist who creates temporary land art. He makes drawings on sand, earth and ice that are eventually erased by waves and weather.


Hidden Beauty Eindhoven 2011 – Part 2

On 8, 9 and the 10th of July 2011, the first edition of the international street art event
takes place in the old Schellens textile factory

Zime / Sol Crew

Zime & Sektie



Wladimir Manshanden

( schuilplaats=hiding place/refuge)

Rutger Termohlen (more…)

Hidden Beauty Eindhoven 2011 – Part 1

On 8, 9 and the 10th of July 2011, the first edition of the international street art event
takes place in the old Schellens textile factory.


Big Daddy Gun



Super A

Zime & Sektie

Without and with canvas
We put a canvas with a girls face over the skull. So the skull is the hidden beauty :)”

Check the 2nd part of the photos.

Edition Populaire

Présentation des 2 dernières sorties de chez Edition Populaire. La nouvelle édition grand format (25x31cm) de Fabriqué en France de Dran:  Ses dessins sur des cartons d’emballage divers.
Et une 1ere excursion en dehors du monde du graffiti pour Edition Populaire avec Tout flux d’Océane Mousse. Des dessins qui m’ont fait penser à une version plus poétique et moins gore de ce que peut faire Blu.
Pour fêter l’été, Édition Populaire offre jusqu’au 31 Juillet 2011, de recevoir gratuitement une affiche de l’artiste de votre choix, pour tout achat de 2 ouvrages différents.


FABRIQUE EN FRANCE (reexpedition)
Dran – Edition Populaire – 25€
Ean : 9782917409077


Upward #2


The second issue of the PDF-zine Upward. 136 pages.
ft: Peru 143 from Montreal, 0331c from Moscow, Lovis, Xpome, Omer

Texts are in Russian and English