on the first days of September, FIFTY24MX presented this beautiful show, Espiralismo. This is the first solo show of Minoz, a young artist from Mexico. I had the opportunity to visit the gallery just a few weeks after the opening and I have to say that the show was shocking.
I'm stnk.
NAIFA by Ibie & Edjinn Jul 2 – Aug 13 at DAMA AFLITA – Illustration & Drawing gallery Rua da Picaria, 84. 450 – 477 Porto – Portugal
1 American artist, 3 Australian artists, 200 foot long mural, 2 fractured bones, 1 concussion and a lot of color. Above:” I was flown to Adelaide, Australia to…
Seher | Mexico City, 1983. Just a couple of moths ago, Seher presented at Vice Gallery in Mexico City “Ensoñación” (Dreaminess). This is his first solo show, and took him almost a…