Here are some flix of the Assoonas Gallery: in early 2010 Hamburg lost this nice Gallery Spot, where we often hung out with lots of (Urban) Artists and Art-Lovers, celebrating good parties, painting and stuff. Enjoy the Photos. Peace 2 ASA.
ZOSEN – 11 things about 2011
To conclude that year, I will ask a few artists 11 little things about 2011.
I’m really happy to start with Zosen from Barcelona.
Suso33 video for Nach/Akhenaton/Talib Kweli
SUSO33 done the art direction and realization of the video “Los Elegidos“, taken from the last album “Mejor que el Silencio” by Nach.
Suso33: “They offered me the possibility to produce a simple video for Nach´s latest record, a band I admire and who makes my emotions arise. The song was “Los Elegidos” (The Chosen ones) featuring Talib Kweli and Akhenaton. When offering total freedom of creation I assumed it as an entirely personal project to get totally involved in and I started working on it, experimenting and researching, not to solve issues but to suggest different possibilities.
Instead of one hand I used both of them, and instead of drawing I did… I don´t know, I can´t tell you as it still is a “painting in progress” and when you rub it off, you are creating part of the next painting, so you can´t not tell by just the drawings as it is a piece of art created to be seen entirely, only in movement and this is what provides its own identity.
In this audiovisual creation the hands are a plastic element that appears in a choreographic manner, as if they were a dance or paint themselves in that sort of sequence shot that does not leave space for regrets. It had to be done basically in just one shot, therefore it increased the difficulty of creation, however the edition ended up more developed. Finally we included sound effects to create a dialogue between the image and the sound towards the image, in a way that it wasn´t just the image illustrating the sound, that is, it was the creation of a piece and not simply a musical video clip.
In general, in my work, process and actions are much more important than the resulting object; it is something that I have been developing for a long time, as in the “PinturaEscénicaenAcción” (ScenicfPaintinginAction) or the different videos that I have produced in the past years. Therefore I have felt very comfortable carrying out this work with the possibilities offered by this type of equipment; also I have been lucky to work and create things with SaotST and Nach, to whom I thank for the trust they put in me regarding this risky proposition.”
Scheme – Step by step
Full report here.
Berlin Rail Days by Shlomo
Full report here.
Siddharthas. Dhear, Part1.
A couple of moths ago, Dhear, a young artist from Mexico City started a project named Siddharthas with the support of Border, Adidas, and MTN. Siddharthas is the perspective of Dhear about the book Siddhartha, a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of an Indian man named Siddhartha. Dhear is painting his perspective about this book over the walls, inside and outside of Mexico City. this is just the beginning of an amazing project.
El proyecto consiste en hacer un viaje iniciatico ilustrando la historia de siddhartha de Herman Hesse a partir de mi universo de personajes fantasticos y alienigenas, por medio de murales en diferentes lugares, al unirse todas las fotos la historia tendra un sentido y una busqueda espiritual personal.
Taps & Moses book
Review of TAPS MOSES international Topsprayer TM book.
It is probably the biggest tag in the world. And it’s -surprisingly- made by a wealthy sheikh. He has written his name on the surface of his own private island (United Arab Emirates ) so big it can be seen from Google map. The letters seem to be a full kilometer tall in some places.
Jim Denevan is an American artist who creates temporary land art. He makes drawings on sand, earth and ice that are eventually erased by waves and weather.
Sharik from Simferopol/Ukraine
Sharik ( Шарик ) often said as the Ukrainian Banksy.
More photos at: Look at me
Ukrainian milk against American Coca-Cola
Space Invader in Liberation
Space Invader envahit ce week-end le journal Liberation avec l’utilisation d’un police de caractères maison (lettre A modifiée).
Sur le site de Libération retrouvez également un longue interview et un portrait.
How to send me photos:
Mail me pictures at eko at or post them on flickr ekosystem group.
If I like them or find them interesting, they might join the database.
You can also submit news, video & photos here.
Here are a few advices:
– The website is mainly about street work (not about canvases, commissioned murals or bedroom productions).
– Please don’t send several time the same sticker or stencil on many photos. One is enough, choose the best.
– Please rename your photo-files with artist name and location (very important)
– Size of the photos doesn’t really matter, but a width larger than 800 pixels seems good for most photos. I very rarely post tiny photos (<500 pixels), watermarked photos, over-processed photos, black & white photos.
– I don’t post exhibition dates or festival flyers.
– I read all the e-mails, I try to answer to everyone but I can’t. Sometimes I need several weeks to answer…
These advices may sound a bit harsh but I can’t spend 10 hours everyday on ekosystem (the site is a passion and not a job).
Please do not take a delayed response personally.
Thanks for your help.
Influenza & Son / Little Happy Men
As we all know the world is a pretty violent place for kids.
Fatherly responsible proud dad Influenza guides his son in his first steps through the world of visual language..
Finding his own traces back in the street as one of the few visual that aren’t commercially motivated, but just simply fun to look at:
“you know, for kids!”
Photo report : Influenza