The Odd Duo!
by Seacreative and BR1 at the Galo art gallery in Turin.
photos by: Stefano Guastella
Klebstoff #4 sticker magazine
The 4th issue of Klebstoff is out with cool stickers from Grito.
Dimensions: 15 cm x 15 cm
Retail price: 9.90€ (order here)
44 pages & 199 stickers inside
Living Walls, Neuzz.
Last month Neuzz participated in the international project called Living Walls, in Atlanta, Georgia. Year after year Living Walls has developed self-managed with the intention to promote public art through the development of outdoor murals, exhibitions and conferences.
video of Neuzz on Living Walls.
Ensoñación, Seher.
Seher | Mexico City, 1983.
Just a couple of moths ago, Seher presented at Vice Gallery in Mexico City “Ensoñación” (Dreaminess). This is his first solo show, and took him almost a year to present it. “I reinterpret, from perception, the way I see nature.” A fantastic show, with almost 30 pieces including canvases, drawings and a fiberglass sculpture.
Javier Iglesias Algora, founder and director of Belio wrote an exquisite text to present the exhibition.
“Hay quienes sostienen que soñamos en blanco y negro, otras personas dicen haber soñado en colores y algunos defienden que no se sueña en colores, ni en blanco y negro, que lo que se sueña son conceptos, ideas que interpretamos una vez que despertamos. Hay quien duerme para siempre, incluso con los ojos abiertos, y también hay personas que despiertan y trascienden esta realidad, esta ilusión. Las ensoñaciones de Seher se sitúan a medio camino entre la realidad y el sueño, entre estar despierto y estar dormido. Sus obras son como un puente que conecta dos mundos, la realidad en blanco y negro y la fantasía multicolor.
Al igual que sus obras, el estilo de Seher One conecta distintos puntos de la expresión artística: ilustración, diseño gráfico, pintura, graffiti, … y más allá de los géneros Seher bebe de influencias enraizadas en la cultura de los noventa: la estética de las calles, del skateboard, de los tatuajes, de los movimientos musicales, … sin olvidar a un nivel más profundo, y tal vez más inconsciente, influencias del pop art y la psicodelia. Seher funde todos estos referentes en su propio estilo, un estilo que aún está forjando y que seguramente el tiempo lo perfilará y lo despojará de elementos superfluos y otras distorsiones.
Viendo la trayectoria de Seher, viendo sus obras anteriores y sus nuevas ensoñaciones que aquí presenta, podemos afirmar sin ninguna duda que Seher quiere mostrarnos el momento preciso en el que la naturaleza eclosiona, dejando que la magia, la alquimia y los colores trasciendan la materia y dejen atrás un mundo gris y vacío. Seher One nos está desvelando de este “no sueño” del “no tiempo” y nos muestra lo que podrá ser el paso a la otra realidad.”
Esto no es Graffiti
Esto no es Graffiti
Delimbo Artspace – Sevilla
Sixe · Mike Swaney · Suso33 · SozyOne
Remed · Okuda · Eltono · Seleka · Ausias Pére
Dems · JoeKing · PantOne · SpY
Photo report by Monsieur Poulet.
El tono & Seleka:
Remed & Okuda:
Lints ~ “33 Short Stories & A Few Tall Tales” Exhibition
I am currently sitting on a train heading to Århus, Denmark. I am going there to set up my solo-exhibition called:
“33 Short Stories & A Few Tall Tales”
It opens this friday (the 18th) and runs until June 23rd, at Lunch Money Gallery.
I’ll be back shortly with pictures from the exhibition and from the streets of Århus!
Betriebsausflug Hamburg -> Leipzig: IBUg Betriebssystem LE-HH
This weekend the awesome project „Betriebsausflug“ 2012 will come to an end – but fortunatelay only in Leipzig! The tour will continue in Hamburg at the end of May.The „Betriebsausflug“ is an exchange project between several artist networks and creative spaces in Hamburg and Leipzig. More than 250 artists from Hamburg migrate for some weeks to Leipzig and participate in great exhibitions at several interesting off-spaces all over the city.
The city of Leipzig is full of free and cheap spaces for artists – still – in the opposite to Hamburg, where the well-known Gentrification-processes has nearly eliminated such spaces. Therefore the exchange will carve out the differences of the citiy spaces, the different atmosphere of the two cities, the different living and working conditions, the effort of the artists in both cities to survive and to co-create the cities. The project is an experiment and a platform for discussions, reflexion and research.
One of the creative locations and participating projects is the IBUg Betriebssystem LE-HH feat. Stuka, Verstyler, Zonenkinder, Christian Rug, Leif Lobinsky, Threehouse, dial, Zone56, Flamat, Gab, Jolly Fellow und co, Rebelzer, Los Priatoz, Maxi Kretzschmar, Tshunc, Help, Tasek, Simo, Kim-Fabian von Dall´Armi.
Here are some impressions:
PHOTOS by Verstyler ( + Zonenkinder
Check out the finissages this weekend in Leipzig or come to Hamburg at the End of May. Special thanxxx to the two main-organizers Christine (Gängeviertel, Hamburg) and Mark (Spinnerei, Leipzig) and all the other helpers, artists and friends. Shout-outs also to Maxi Kretzschmar!
more infos here:
Giant space invader game
Filthy Luker invades Manchester with 15meters high fully interactive space invader game created using road work barriers and traffic cones.
Software created by Jnr Hacksaw.
Salidas, Hitnes.
Just three weeks ago FIFTY24MX Gallery at Mexico City presented Salidas, the first exhibition of Hitnes in Mexico. After eight weeks in the city preparing his show, Hitnes present us an incredible exhibition composed with over 50 pieces including paintings, prints and drawings.
Hitnes also had the opportunity to paint a few walls inside and outside the city. this isn’t the first time Hitnes visit Mexico.
Salidas es su más reciente exposición de dibujo, acrílico y aguafuerte en la que explora el carácter de la muerte en el Mundo Natural.
Una Vita Violenta, Erica il Cane.
Just a few week ago Erica Il Cane presented his first solo show at FIFTY24MX Gallery in Mexico City. “Una Vita Violenta” is the name of the exhibition, wich is composed with over 50 drawings and paints. But this wasn’t the only show of the night, Hitnes also presented his first solo show in the city, “Salidas”. This is the second time Erica il Cane and Hitnes share a gallery to present their shows.
After been in Mexico for two months preparing most of his solo show, Erica Il Cane also got time to paint at least 5 walls out and inside the city. This is the second time “il Cane” visit Mexico.
Una Vita Violenta es su primer exposición en México, en la galería FIFTY24MX: dibujos, pinturas, esculturas y gráfica e instalación. Inspirado por la novela de Pier Paolo Pasolini, “il Cane”, explora la condición humana en su parte más bestial en escena que nos remiten a las ilustraciones de un libro de fábulas Victorianas.
Corazón Sangrante by Saner.
Last week Mexico City-based artist, Saner presented Corazón Sangrante (Bleeding Heart) at Fifty24SF Gallery in San Francisco, a new series of works with his first solo exhibition ever in San Francisco, after making a great exhibition at FIFTY24MX Gallery in Mexico City. Mexican folklore, masks, customs, skulls and mysticism fill the gallery with new paintings and drawings on paper.
As written by FIFTY24MX, Saner’s “free and unpretentious spirit allows him to express a new Mexican vision.” Saner titled this exhibition “Corazón Sangrante” (Bleeding Heart), while reflecting on the things he saw around him: violence, anger, happiness, anxiety, and fear. Saner says these are the issues that most Mexicans deal with.
“El corazón debe dejar de sangrar lagrimas rojas”
Armsrock “Stedfortrædere” Exhibition.
Armsrock’s latest exhibition opened this weekend at Mohs Exhibit in Copenhagen.
He is exhibiting alongside Sif Itona Westerberg and together they’re showing a series of sculptures, installations, drawings and photographies…
The show is entitled:
I swung by the opening and took a few photos:
The Exhibition runs from 16.03.2012 – 21.04.2012
More info: